Ventilation, Vapor Barriers, House Wraps
- Innovative attic and crawl space ventilation solutions
- Integrated solution to managing moisture and heat
Smart Vents
- Worldwide leading manufacture of foundation flood venting systems
- Offers a team of trained representatives that will help during the planning of your next flood plain project
- Engineered openings certified to meet all building codes, FEMA regulations and NFIP Flood Insurance Requirements
- Widely used as vapor barriers under homes with crawlspaces and on concrete slabs
- Clear and black colors available
- Stocked in 4’ – 20’ wide rolls and in lengths ranging from 25’ – 1000’
Ice and Water Shield
- Weatherproofing membranes for most exterior applications (roofs, windows, walls, etc.)
- Available in 6”, 12”, 18”, and 36” widths
House Wraps
- Typar House Wrap available in 9’x150’ rolls
- Cedar Breather 200sf rolls
- Fortify House Wrap 54”x66’ rolls
- 15lb and 30lb Felt paper